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  1. What is the purpose of LPCA?
  2. Why pray for the clergy, and who should pray for them?
  3. Are there any role distinctions between the clergy, the religious and the laity in building up the Kingdom of God?
  4. How long should I pray for the clergy?

  5. Do I have to pray the 28 prayers for the clergy, or can I say my own?

  6. How do I offer prayers for the continued holiness of the clergy? 

  7. What can I offer to Jesus?

  8. Is it true that the offering of the individual members at Mass, is united to Jesus’ offering of Himself to the Eternal Father?

  9. What takes place during the Preparation of the Altar and Gifts?

  10. How do the non-ordained participate at Mass?

  11. Why does God accept our offerings?

  12. Why is there separate consecrations over the bread and wine?

  13. What spiritual material is available for me to use to become closer to Jesus?

  14. What is a Spiritual Communion?
  15. Who are the patron saints for LPCA?

  16. What is a Holy Hour?

  17. Can the media be used to help me study the Faith?

  18. What is dissent and heresy, and can a person be charged with embracing a dissenting ideology?
  19. Can I offer novenas for the continued holiness of the clergy?

  20. Can I have a Mass offered for the continued holiness of the clergy?

  21. Can I offer my union with Jesus in the Eucharist for the clergy's continued holiness?

  22. Can I renew the promises made at my Baptism and Confirmation daily?

  23. What is humility?

  24. What does it mean to be on fire for Christ?

  25. How do we get more saintly laborers to the harvest?

  26. Should I pray for the continued holiness of seminarians?

  27. What is the "universal call to holiness"?

  28. Is being scrupulous bad for my spiritual life?

  29. Why does the Church teach abstaining from meat on Fridays during and outside of Lent?

  30. Is Advent a season of penance?

  31. When at Mass does Earth and Heaven meet?

  32. Can I offer prayers for the souls in Purgatory?

  33. Can non-Catholics participate in the mission of LPCA?

  34. What do the images on the homepage mean?

  35. Is LPCA an official ministry of the Catholic Church?

  36. What bible translation does the LPCA site use?

  37. Who created the LPCA site and who is in charge of it?

  38. When did LPCA go online?

  39. Can I email Nick questions about his site or email comments?