Each Thanksgiving, Americans of all faiths and backgrounds give thanks for
the many blessings in our lives. On Thursday, Floridians will gather with
friends and families to honor this tradition by sharing a meal and
celebrating our gratitude.

This has been a difficult year in Florida as hurricanes dealt a devastating
blow to many parts of our state.  As we move toward recovery, there is much
to be thankful for including the 140,000 volunteers who poured into our
state to help, the billions of dollars in aid to help us recover and
rebuild, and the thousands of men and women in uniform, law enforcement, and
public service who responded to a state in need with such courage, skill,
and compassion. 

I encourage all Floridians to enjoy this holiday weekend in the true spirit
of gratitude. I also ask that you keep our military men and women,
especially those now in harm's way, in your thoughts and prayers until they
can return home to the families who love them.

The First Lady and Lt. Governor Jennings join me in wishing all Floridians a
safe, joyous holiday.