Perpetual Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament



by Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church of Picayune, MS

Eucharist displayed in Monstrance What is Perpetual Adoration?

Perpetual Adoration is a Eucharistic devotion where members of the parish unite in taking hours of adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament, both during the day and throughout the night, seven days a week.

Why is exposition in the monstrance preferred?

To see Jesus visibly present under the appearance of the small white host is much more conducive to intimacy than hidden away in the tabernacle. Moreover, it adds an extra responsibility on the adorers to be sure to be faithful to the hours they are scheduled, since the suggested norm for having Jesus exposed in the monstrance is that there should be at least two adorers present, and He must never be left alone. Could not these words of our Lord be applied today: "Indeed, this is the will of My heavenly Father, that everyone who looks upon the Son, and believes in Him, shall have eternal life. Him I will raise up on the last day."

What are some good reasons for establishing Perpetual Adoration?

To provide an easy, attractive, and practical way of rendering God adoration which is His due as our Creator, of giving Him thanks for our redemption, of making reparation for our sins and the sins of mankind; of petitioning the good God for the constant help we need.

To show our gratitude to our Lord for remaining among us in our tabernacles, and to make at least some atonement for the many sacrileges, indifferences, and ingratitude which He receives in His Sacrament of Love.

What spiritual benefits and graces can be attributed to the establishment of a parish Perpetual Adoration program?



Perpetual Adoration began at St. Charles Borromeo Church February 13, 1994.


Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
By Fr. Donald Arsenault

We all know that we are in a mess, in a great turmoil. Society is in a serious crisis. Faith is in a great crisis. We would have to be blind not to see it. When sin is publicly advertised as normal and ‘correct’, and millions of abortions are performed each year, something has gone radically wrong. How did we ever get into this mess?

“The Church and the world have a great need for Eucharistic Adoration.”
--Pope John Paul II
Worship of Idols

To me the answer is very clear and plain; we have put God aside to turn ourselves towards gods and idols of our own making, like materialistic things, pleasures, the cult of the body, thirst for money, addiction to TV, etc. These things have become gods and idols to many. And then, we wonder why we are in such a mess.

Because we have repeated the Old Testament infidelities, and worshipped idols made with our own hands, we are in trouble, in serious trouble. Who is going to save our troubled world? The Savior of the world! Only Jesus can bring true peace to the world. Only God can redirect the course of world history back to the path of peace. “Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth, says the Lord.” (Is 45:22)

Where is our God?
And where is our God? Where is our Savior, Jesus Christ? “Jesus is in heaven for the elect and in the tabernacle for us pilgrims,” St. Peter Julian Yard tells us. As we are not yet in heaven; the only place here on earth where we can be physically present with the bodily presence of Jesus is before the Real Presence either at Mass or reserved in the Tabernacle.

The loss of the sense of the Real Presence is widespread in the Church today, and many do not realize that this central truth of our faith is under much attack. For sure God is everywhere, but He is present in the Blessed Sacrament in a way that is unique, with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, with His beating Heart. Here He is present as both God and man. This presence of Christ in the Sacred Host is called the REAL PRESENCE. Are we aware, do we realize, that the One who created the heavens, earth, and waters, and everything that swells in it, is present among us?

He is available to everyone at any moment of the day or night. Is it not wonderful that we should have our God so close to us as He is? Our faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament is what distinguishes us from the Protestants, what makes us Catholic. This is the belief that countless martyrs have given their life for.

Invitation to a Holy Hour

1) Time for a Holy Hour

Pope Paul VI declared that there would be no renewal in the Church without a fervent Eucharistic renewal. John Paul II has said: “The Church and the world have a great need of Eucharistic adoration. Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration…May our adoration never cease.”

When we love someone we want to spend much time with them. Can we say that we love Jesus if do not take time to visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament? It is by His continual presence there that He shows us how much he loves us. By being present in HIS Presence, we can show our love for Him.

2) Value of a Holy Hour The value of an hour spent before the Blessed Sacrament is beyond all that we can imagine. This time that you spend with Jesus is more precious than any other time. Mother Teresa has said:

“The best act that we can perform at present, is to spend at least one hour each week before the exposed Blessed Sacrament.” And she adds: “You cannot be like Jesus unless you spend time with Jesus. You cannot see Jesus in others unless you see Him in the Sacrament of Love.”

3) Reparation
Jesus needs generous souls to love Him and console Him for the many sins and crimes committed in the world. The hour that you will spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is very precious to Him, and makes reparation for innumerable sins. He needs this gift of your hour to save souls.

Every hour is blessed, but those which involve the most sacrifice are the most blessed. Sacrifice is the language of love. The very first holy hour took place during the middle of the night, when Christ made His sad complaint to Peter, James and John: “So, could you not watch with me one hour?” The Apostles were tired and sleepy but it was at that time that Jesus needed the consolation of their presence. Even though you may find it difficult to get up in the middle of the night, Jesus is addressing to you the very same invitation that he addressed to His Apostles.

He saw all those, down through the ages, who would keep watch with Him for one hour. Jesus saw you. He saw your generosity, your sacrifice and the love that you would show Him, and it was this that consoled Him in His Agony.

I particularly call on retired people, seniors and those without work, who may be able to catch up on their sleep during the day. Come, be generous! And rest assured that Jesus will never be outdone in generosity, never. Somehow, the night hours are the easiest to do. Nobody has any appointments then and neither has anyone ever been harmed on the way to or from adoration at night.

To those who hesitate in committing themselves to one hour a week, I would like to offer a challenge. Try it three times first. Give it a try, and if you go with good intentions and faith, you will see a change.

Fruits of Eucharistic Adoration

1) Personal Benefits

You will experience a peace of heart that the world cannot give, a peace that only Jesus can give you. In our noisy and agitated world, there is great need to experience this peace. It will give you strength to face the difficulties of life and courage to take up your cross daily.

You will discover the love that Jesus has for you personally. It is at the feet of Jesus that you will experience in a real way that Jesus loves you for who you are, despite your sins and your miseries. There you will find out that you are not alone in your loneliness. When you feel lonely, Jesus will reveal to you that the only real loneliness is to be without Him. Do we not remember the second question of the Catechism? ‘Why did God create you? To know Him, to love Him, to serve Him and be happy with Him for all eternity.’ In other words the feeling of loneliness is an unconscious desire to be with God, from whom we came.

I know from the testimony of others as well as from personal experience, that there is no better place than in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, to present our requests and express our needs.

People who become involved in Eucharistic adoration often have surprisingly positive things to say about it. A lady in Vancouver who was ill, was hesitant to sign up for her perpetual Holy Hour, then consented to being a spare. Eventually she offered her holy hour on a perpetual basis and now says that one hour in not enough. Another says: “My holy hour is a must. That’s when I get my priorities straight, at the feet of Jesus.”

2) Vocational Fruits
Here too, young people can discover their calling and find the strength to say “yes.” Seminary figures indicate that parishes with perpetual adoration are actually producing more vocations than parishes without perpetual adoration. If we want young people to come to church out of conviction, we need to bring them to the Blessed Sacrament, where the radiance of Christ’s love can melt their hearts.

Pope John Paul II:

“I urge priests, religious, and lay people to continue to redouble their efforts to teach the younger generations the meaning and value of Eucharistic adoration and devotion. How will young people be able to know the Lord if they are not introduced to the mystery of His Presence?”

3) Parish Effects
Priests who have established perpetual adoration in their parishes, come out very strongly with the statement that their parish has been transformed at every level. I know of a priest in Toronto whose daily Mass attendance rose from around 25 to over 200, because of perpetual adoration. Another priest wrote recently that he was both astonished and inspired by the success of perpetual adoration in his parish. Several parishioners said to him: “It is the greatest thing you could have given us.”


Jesus gives us 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week. Out of those 168 hours, He is inviting us to spend one single hour with Him, one hour just for Him…will you say ‘yes’ to His invitation?

Many stores and supermarkets are open 24 hours a day to meet people’s material needs. Your parish is willing to offer you similar service for your spiritual needs, to all of you, whatever hours or shifts you work. By having adoration around the clock, no one is excluded. The advantage, the really great advantage, is that you can come to the chapel at any time of the day or night, KNOWING that the chapel door will be open, that you will find Jesus there and can open your heart to Him.

Jesus is asking you for an hour but, in return, he wants to give you so much joy, peace, and an outpouring of grace to transform you. God is inviting you to volunteer your time so that the miracle of perpetual adoration can take place in your parish. So that whatever you are doing in the day, or when you wake up during the night, you will know that someone is praying before the Blessed Sacrament in your parish church.

Closing Prayer

Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, Mother and first Tabernacle of our Lord, perfect adorer of the Most Holy Eucharist, help us to hear His call now and to respond with your generosity.
(“Do Whatever He Tells You” emblem)

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