A List of Some Catholic Pilgrimages & Retreats

(Note to Viewers: The following is a sample of what is out there. This is not a definitive list.)

Basilica of Imm. Con.

Catholic Shrines in the United States

Catholic Shrines USA

Catholic Shrines Around the Globe


Families 4 Christ

Francis Xavier Seelos

Foyer Of Charity

Hill of Crosses

Il Santo di Padova

Images of Heaven - A Roman Catholic Lay Marian Apostolate for the Saints (Shrines)

Journeys of Faith

Marian Servants of Divine Providence


Mission of Nombre de Dios

Marian Shrines Around the World

National Shrine of the Divine Mercy

Opus Sanctorum Angelorum Laity Retreat

Opus Sanctorum Angelorum Priest and Deacon Retreat

Pope John Paul II Cultural Center

Retreats for Laymen-Fr. John A. Perricone

Sisters of St. Basil the Great

Shrine of the Holy Innocents

Shrine of the martyrs at Tyburn

Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament

Shrine of Saint Jude Thaddeus, San Francisco

Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe (La Crosse, Wisconsin)

Shrine of Christ's Passion
