3-August-2004 -- Catholic World News Brief


Vatican, Aug. 03 (CNA/CWNews.com) - The Islamic-Catholic Liaison Committee has released a statement condemning Sunday’s terrorist attacks against Iraqi churches and stating that “such acts of blind violence offend the sacred name of God and true religion.” Dr. Hamid Bin Ahmad Al-Rifaie, president of International Islamic Forum for Dialogue, and Archbishop Michael L. Fitzgerald president of Pontifical Council For Inter-religious Dialogue, signed the joint statement which was issued in both English and Arabic.

“We condemn in particular the suicide attacks in areas in which are located places of worship, both against Muslims and against Christians gathered for worship,” reads the statement. “Such acts of blind violence offend the sacred name of God and true religion. They evidence a gross misunderstanding of the history and culture of this sorely tried country,” it continues. “They represent a grave threat to peaceful coexistence and the ordered development of Iraqi society.

The statement concludes: “It is our hope that, with the help of the Almighty and Merciful God, the Iraqi people may finally enjoy the gift of peace, in an atmosphere of mutual respect and genuine collaboration among all its citizens of whatever religious tradition.