~~ ~ New legislation to require parental notification prior to an abortion on a minor ~ ~~

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TALLAHASSEE - Governor Jeb Bush today signed House Bill 1659, the Parental Notice of Abortion Act, into law implementing the constitutional amendment passed by voters in November 2004. The legislation requires a physician to notify the parent or guardian of a minor before performing an abortion on the minor. Prior to the signing of the Parental Notice of Abortion Act, minors were able to terminate pregnancies without their parents' knowledge. The bill will become effective July 1.


"Before a child undergoes a surgical procedure of any kind, it is imperative that the parent or guardian is properly notified," said Governor Bush. "This not only ensures the safety of our children, but also strengthens the family unit by maintaining open dialogue between parent and child."


The Parental Notice of Abortion Act will require notice be provided to a legal parent or guardian of a minor by the physician or a referring physician at least 48 hours prior to the termination of the pregnancy. In the event of a medical emergency, a court of law can provide a waiver for the notification process.


"The parental notification bill achieves the objectives of implementing the constitutional amendment that Florida voters approved with 65 percent of the vote," said bill sponsor Senator Paula Dockery. "The bill follows the court findings in other states regarding privacy protections while achieving the primary goal of empowering families to take a more active role in the well-being of their minor daughters."


"This important legislation will strengthen families and restore a parent's right to be notified before their child undergoes a life-altering medical procedure," said bill sponsor Representative Jeffrey Kottkamp.


The bill provides five circumstances where notice is not required:


Ø The physician determines a medical emergency exists and there is insufficient time to comply with the notification requirements.

Ø The parent or guardian waives notice in writing.

Ø The minor waives notice, if the minor is married or has had the disability of nonage removed by a court.

Ø The minor waives notice, if the minor has a minor child dependent on her.

Ø Notice is waived by a judge's order.