Friday Fax
Volume 9, Number 16 | April 7, 2006

Dear Colleague,

This week at the current meeting of the Commission on Population and Development we learned that the Canadian delegation is still supporting the pro-abortion agenda. This is disappointing news for those of us who had high hopes for the new administration in Canada.

Spread the word.

Yours sincerely,

Austin Ruse
Canadian Official at UN Disappoints Pro-life Hopes

By Bradford Short

     In a speech to the Commission on Population and Development at the UN a Canadian official endorsed language in international documents that has been used in the past to try to force nations to legalize abortion. The speech was disappointing news to pro-life and pro-family advocates at the UN who had hoped the new Conservative administration in Canada would result in a family-friendly delegation in New York.

     Brian Grant, the Director-General of International and Intergovernmental Relations, Citizenship and Immigration in the Canadian federal government spoke to the Commission on Tuesday. In five instances Grant called on UN officials to "achieve," provide "access" to, or "to address" the "sexual and reproductive health and rights" of the world's population. In UN parlance such language is used to refer to abortion, the distribution of contraceptives to minors and even legalized prostitution. Leading pro-abortion NGOs have long asserted that documents guaranteeing "sexual and reproductive health and rights" create an international right to abortion.

     The recent election victory in Canada of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his pro-life-leaning Conservative party led many to hope that Canada's representation at the UN would change. But the delegation's acts this past week indicate no progress has been made in that direction. Also, weeks ago Harper selected Peter MacKay to be Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs. MacKay is known to be one of the more pro-abortion and anti-family members of the Conservative Party caucus in the House of Commons. The Minister of Foreign Affairs will have a great say in the future direction of the Canadian Permanent Mission to the UN.

     Liberal Ambassador to the UN, Allan Rock, has not yet been replaced with a member of the Conservative Party. But the Canadian Permanent Mission tells the Friday Fax that it will happen at the end of June.
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